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We are proud and very grateful to be the recipient of the following grants that will assist in supporting children, youth and their families in Huron and Perth Counties!

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  • 2023-2024 New Initiative Grants

    The Rapid Response Fund will purchase services from private practitioners to stabilize children and youth who are in crisis and enable them to return to a level of functioning where they can be appropriately supported by current community-based services.

  • Community Services Recovery Fund

    Grant funded by the Government of Canada and delivered through the United Way Centraide Canada.  To expand and remodel behavioural support services by adding an adapted clinical service model that takes into account new needs post pandemic.  It will help HPCAS modernize and adapt by providing evidence-based, tailored and culturally integrated services.

  • Resilient Communities Fund

    Will build HPCAS resilience and sustainability by designing and implementing a new service delivery model for marginalized service-users to ensure more effective behavioural support for high needs populations.