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Huron-Perth Children’s Aid Society (HPCAS) is a non-profit community organization legally mandated to protect children and youth from abuse and neglect.

HPCAS advocates for and protects children’s rights, supports and strengthens families; and is a leader for change in our community. The Society serves approximately 375 families each month and conducts more than 1000 investigations each year. It also helps more than 90 children who are in the Society’s care.


HPCAS Principles

  • All children have a right to reach their full potential in a safe and nurturing environment.
  • Providing and caring for children is a community responsibility.
  • Parents and their children have the right to respectful and sensitive services. Families will have different cultures and lifestyles and will parent their children differently.
  • Early intervention is the best way to assist families. Families and children should be provided timely services on the basis of mutual consent, where emphasis is placed on supporting families’ strengths.
  • Comprehensive services that combine child protection, early intervention and clinical treatment services will ensure a seamless approach to meeting child and family needs.
  • Community partnerships are an essential part of addressing the broad needs of children and families in a proactive and integral manner.

HPCAS Informational Video

Mission & Vision

  • Mission

    To advocate for and protect children’s rights; to support and strengthen families; and to be leaders for positive change in our community.

  • Vision

    Safe Children. Confident Youth. Resilient Adults.


  • Equity

    Our leadership within the community and alongside our community partners reflects the principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion.  The culture, diversity, identity and heritage of service users are acknowledged and respected.

  • Empowerment

    Service users engage in self-advocating opportunities and decision making, resulting in meaningful and individualized support.

  • Engagement

    We will develop proactive partnerships that will collectively advocate for the safety and well-being of children and families.

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Huron-Perth Children’s Aid Society 2022-2025 Strategic Plan

To read more about our strategic directions and priorities, please view our Strategic Plan.

Download the Strategic Plan.

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