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Foster parents are people who are committed to making a difference in the life of a child and their family. Foster parents provide a stable and supportive environment for children and youth who need a temporary family to live with while their parents work with our agency and community services to reestablish a safe home environment. The goal is to strengthen a child/youth’s family so they can return home as soon as possible.

Foster parents have a significant role in supporting the reintegration of children and youth back to their families. The ability to parent collaboratively with a child/youth’s parents is crucial for a healthy, safe return to family.

Foster parents come from a variety of backgrounds and can be single, living common-law, married, and with or without children of their own. They range in age, cultural, ethnic, and religious backgrounds.

There are many reasons people decide to foster. For some there is a personal connection: they either knew someone who was in foster care as a child or perhaps know someone who is a foster parent. Often, people think about fostering for years before they find themselves in a position to take the next step. Sometimes, fostering presents itself when a child is known to a family and in need of a safe and stable home. Regardless of the reason, if you are able to open your home to learning how to support families to continue to grow and be a safe, cohesive unit, then your help is needed.

If you are interested in becoming a foster parent, please contact the agency to learn more or email us at inquiry@h-pcas.ca.

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Responsibilities of a Foster Parent:

  • Provide a safe, secure, and nurturing home for children coming into the temporary care of Children’s Aid Society while the child’s parents work to resolve issues
  • Help children maintain connection and relationship with their parents and people who are important to the child
  • Support children and help them stay connected to their community, school, and family
  • Participate in planning for their care

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Foster parents may be:

  • Single adults, common-law or married couples, same-sex partners
  • People without children
  • Families just beginning to raise their own children
  • ‘Empty-nesters’
  • Experienced parents or people who have never had children
  • Adults who have professional skills or special childcare training
  • Those working outside the home or stay-at-home adults

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Foster parents often:

  • Like spending time with children and place high value on parenting
  • Have an understanding of children, their development, and their needs
  • Enjoy learning
  • Have an optimistic and positive life view
  • Are patient and consistent, yet able to meet new challenges with flexibility